Le Festival Qouleur est "Le" festival unique à Montréal pour les personnes LGBTIQ racisées et autochtones qui permet de célébrer leur réalité (intersections multiples: genre, identité, orientation sexuelle) à travers divers événements artistiques (Exposition, Performances, Films, etc) et rencontres (discussions, ateliers).
Si vous croyez en notre mission, joignez-vous en participant ou /et soutenez-nous pour rendre notre goal possible. The Qouleur Festival is *the* place for racialized queers and their allies to come together and share their experiences and knowledge. Our diverse programming and events sparked an important dialogue about bringing visibility and awareness to 2QTPOC issues, creating safe spaces, and continuing to inspire each other. 2QTPOC laid some serious foundations within Montreal's LGBTQ communities, now it's time to get sweaty and see what we can build with Qouleur! |